I am writing to you in support of a number of organisations who are calling for medical conditions to be included in the proposed ALN Bill reforms.


I am Chair of the National Service Advisory Group (NSAG) and Assistant Medical Director for Research & Development for Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Health Board.


We know that diabetes can have a profound effect on the lives of young people, but this can be mediated by consistent care and glucose control. It is very important that children and young people receive support to manage their condition during school hours, otherwise they face the risks of life threatening ketoacidosis or severe hypoglycaemia. In addition, unregulated glucose levels can cause cognitive difficulties, poor concentration, volatile moods and 'bad behaviour', and extreme tiredness.


The National Service Advisory Group fully supports the position of Diabetes UK Cymru, the Royal College of Paediatric & Child Health and the British Dietetic Association in calling for the inclusion of medical conditions in the Additional Learning Needs & Education Tribunal (Wales) Bill. We understand that if medical conditions are not included in the proposed reforms in Wales, current support in schools will be removed and that children with Type 1 diabetes and other conditions won't receive the same rights and protection as those with additional learning needs.


In England, there is already a legal duty to support pupils with medical conditions in the Children and Families Act 2014. Each school must have a Medical Conditions Policy in place and that each child with a medical condition must have an Individual Health Plan in place. Evidence shows that since the law passed, the number of Medical Conditions Policies in place in schools has risen from 7% in 2013 to 71% in 2015 (statistics provided by Diabetes UK).


The legislation has had a clear impact in improving the lives of children in England. We ask the Committee to enable Wales to follow suit in guaranteeing the protection and support for children living with Type 1 diabetes in Wales, as well as creating a legacy for future generations.